12/12/2022 1 Comment 14 Best Self-publishing Companies of 2023 and Who you Should Avoid at All CostsSelf-publishing companies assist and support authors in their self-publishing journey by providing a service or a platform to distribute their books. There are 4 main types of self-publishing companies: Aggregator, Distribution Service, Author services and Self-publishing Education. What is an Aggregator?An aggregator is a middle man that distributes your book for you through digital services on a global scale. What is a Distribution Service?A distribution service takes your book from the printer and distributes it to retailers. What are Author Services?These are companies that package up services like editing, illustration and design to help you create your book. What is Self-Publishing Education?This includes courses, coaches and mentors that help, support and educate you along your self-publishing journey. What is a Vanity Press / Vanity Publisher?A vanity publisher puts themselves out like they are a traditional publishing company but authors have to pay to have their book published by them. They profit, not by distributing author’s books, but by charging authors publishing expenses. What to be aware of when choosing a self-publishing company:There are a lot of scams going around these days. Don't be taken advantage of, be aware of these following traps and don't fall victim of them:
If you are unsure about whether or not you are dealing with a fake publisher, take a look at this list of questionable publishers to stay clear of: https://www.sfwa.org/other-resources/for-authors/writer-beware/thumbs-down-publishers/ List of the Top 14 Trusted Self-Publishing Companies
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